Important Stats About Summer Heat and Your Dog!

Leaving dogs alone in a car with extreme summer heat is not a light issue. Please review the chart below to see how quickly a car that feels somewhat comfortable when you leave it can become incredibly dangerous to your dog.

The statistics below were discovered by Jan Null, CCM who works in the Department of Geosciences at San Francisco State University. These numbers are a reflection of the temperature inside of a car with the windows cracked and the total elapsed time that the vehicle was left unattended. Please by extremely cautious of the safety of your dogs this summer. Overheating can lead to very severe problems, including death.

 70°  75°  80°  85° 90°  95°
 0 mins. 70  75 80  85  90 95
 10 mins.  89  94  99  104  109  114
 20 mins.  99  104 109  114  119 124
 30 mins. 104  109  114  119  124  129
 40 mins.  108  113  118  123  128  133
 50 mins.  111  116  121  126  131 136
 60 mins.  113  118  123  128  133  138
 1 hour +  115  120  125  130  135  140

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